Cast: Priyanka Karki, Aaryan Sigdel, Sumina Ghimire, Prajwol Sujal Giri, Shishir SJB Rana, Loonibha Tuladhar
Rating: 4 out of 5
Movie Review By: Anuj Ghimire
Finally, Nepali movies have started to bring out creativity and push in a different perspective into Nepali movie world.
Mala does that excellently. This movie deviates from the recent trend of cliche movies, that has been in the market for some time. Guns, robbery, nudity, foul mouth girls and words, as a part of attraction theme. But this movie doesn't have any of those unnecessary stuff and focuses mostly on suspense thriller.
Priyanka Karki, though barely speaking a word has done an excellent job. She plays a role of ghost, or a soul who’s wandering off in search of something that completes her. Her acting is splendid, and with natural flawless expression. While most of the Nepali actors have either under acting or over acting problem,
Priyanka has done an excellent job in Mala with proper execution of her role.
Aryan Sigdel seems quite clueless at times but he’s done good job as well. The best part of acting for me was the one done by Mala’s mother in the movie. Mala has changed the recent trends of movie genre in Nepali industry, a different window into the Nepali movie world.