0h 0mNOT SET
May 26 2017
CAST : Sohit Manandhar, Menuka Pradhan, Arjun Gurung, Samiya Bartaula, Diwash Dhital
SUMMARY : The film is about the love story of a middle class Newar guy with a high class Rana girl (Anshu RL Rana). Anshus's sister is totally against this relatinoship and calls NRN samrat, Anshu's childhood friend to get close to her. Rikesh is passionate about his love and Rajswee is passionate to protect her sister. Rikesh and his friend Namgyal go through a great mess for this relationship to work but things take bad turn and Rikesh decides to go to Germany.Will the story end or does life have its surprises?